How to add an appointment to the Calendar

Follow these steps to schedule an appointment in Healthbridge Nova efficiently.

Step 1: Open the Calendar

  1. Log in to Healthbridge Nova.
  2. Click on the ‘Calendar’ tab from the main dashboard.

Step 2: Select a Provider and Branch

  1. If you manage a multi-branch practice:
    • Choose the Branch from the left-hand panel.
    • Select the Provider from the menu above the calendar

Step 3: Choose a Time Slot

  1. Locate the desired date and time on the calendar.
  2. Click on an empty time slot where you want to schedule the appointment.

Step 4: Search for the Patient

  1. In the appointment window, search for the patient by entering:
    • Name
    • Surname
    • Cell Number
    • Date of Birth
  2. Select the correct patient from the list. Their details will automatically populate in the appointment fields.
  3. If the patient is new, enter their details manually or navigate to the ‘Accounts’ tab to create a new patient profile.

Step 5: Enter Appointment Details

  1. Complete the required fields:
    • Appointment Type or Reason for Visit.
    • Duration of the appointment.
    • Authorization Number (if required by the patient’s medical aid).
    • Room or Resource (for specialized procedures like ECGs).

Step 6: Set a Recurring Appointment (Optional)

  1. If the patient requires a recurring appointment (e.g., weekly, monthly):
    • Click ‘Repeat’ and choose the frequency.
    • Set the recurrence interval and end date.

Step 7: Perform a Benefit Check (If Applicable)

  1. After saving the appointment, the system will automatically trigger a Benefit Check to verify the patient’s medical aid coverage.

Step 8: Save and Confirm the Appointment

  1. Click ‘Save’ to finalize the appointment.
  2. The appointment will now appear on the calendar.

Step 9: Manage Check-In and Waiting Room (On Appointment Day)

  1. On the day of the appointment, mark the patient as ‘Checked-In’ from:
    • The Calendar
    • The Waiting Room

The appointment is now successfully scheduled in Healthbridge Nova!

To watch a video on how to add an appointment click on 'Play' below.