How to add an appointment to the Calendar

To add an appointment to the calendar, Then click on an empty time slot within the calendar.

If the practice has multiple providers, the user can easily change between the providers by clicking on the drop-down arrow.

From here you will be presented with the appointment window allowing the user to add in important information related to the patient and appoitmnent.

Search for the patient by typing in Name, Surname, Cell no or date of birth in the search field. Healthbridge Nova will bring up a list of all patients that meet those parameters. Once you select your patient, the details that are on record for them will populate in the respective appointment fields.

If the patient is new to your practice, enter the required information manually and click on 'Save'
The patient's appointment will then show up on the calendar.

The user can also book repeat appointments either daily, weekly, or monthly. This will allow providers to schedule patients' sessions accordingly.

When booking the appointment the user can now select the repeat option and how regularly they require the appointment. This will then recreate the exact appointment as required.

The user can then further choose to stop the recurring appointments at a specific date by making use of the available date filters.


To watch a video on how to add an appointment click on 'Play' below.